Fishing hook

A first for us today, a hedgehog caught on a fishing hook. It wasn’t from discarded fishing line, the guy had been night fishing and left his kit by the back door so he could clean it, he had a cuppa and when he came back out to clean his kit he found the hog hanging on the hook. He called us right away and brought the hog over. Sadly it was just one of those unforeseen happenings.

It was a fairly simple removal, I cut the barb end off the hook and took the hook out the way it went in. The poor hogs mouth was pulled out of shape, as she had been trying to pull off the hook, but that should go back to normal in an hour or so.

She’ll spend a few days with us to finish a course of antibiotics, and then as long as her faecal sample is clear, she should be fit to go back where she came from.

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